Back to the sakura

The sakura was really beautiful this year. I can't decide which way I like it best - wandering by myself, wandering with friends, or sitting under it with friends.

When you wander by yourself, you can really enjoy the blossoms. You can spend ages trying to get the perfect picture. You can listen to your favorite songs and talk with God. It's so relaxing!

Wandering with friends is also fun. It's lovely to enjoy the beauty with others and exclaim over the different trees. You might even go places you never knew about!

Sitting under the trees for a party is a fun experience, but in a different way. There are loads of people doing the same thing, so someone from your group has to get to the desired location really early to claim a spot. It's definitely a party atmosphere, with lots of noise and food and excitement. But the energy is fun. It's neat to see everyone partying in honor of blooming trees.

Which way do you think you would like best?


Sharon said…
Hi, Liz! I didn't know you were still doing the blog so I think I have missed some posts. I absolutely adore these sakura photos. How would I enjoy Sakura? Probably mostly by myself and sometimes with friends. I love you. Can't believe you have been in Japan almost 10 years!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Liz!!!

Is it time to revive your blog??? I love you! Hope your birthday is as delightful as you!

