Here are a few pix from around my apartment. It’s tiny, but it’s cozy. It’s so easy to get anywhere – lol. And it’s nice living in a place that’s clean (and has running hot water).
This picture cracks me up, because it makes the place look so narrow. It is, but this makes it look like you can’t turn around!
Laundry room? Kitchen? Hallway? What is it?
It’s so bright!
The kitchen!
Fridge, microwave, pantry, and part of the living area.
Now that I’ve hooked up wifi, my computer is no longer smack in front of the TV. But sometimes I still put it there.
Me being awed by my front door video monitor and intercom. Yeah, it’s pretty cool!
The welcome box provided by my employers.
Living room, dining room, and bedroom. And there’s a large cupboard/small closet under the bed.
That’s my place!