It's just a city street. I walked down one bus stop since I am a few minutes early.
How can I even describe the loveliness of this June evening?
As you can see, the sun is slowly making its way down. Ok, we are slowly turning away from the sun, if you want to be clear about it. The air is pleasantly cool, and the breeze tickles the back of my neck. It feels so good to be outside in an unzipped jacket.
Here's the bus!
Looks like the usual suspects are on the bus this evening. Some older people, a stray student, a few young ladies, and the girl in the big white headphones.
I'm never sure what to do on the bus. Should I read a book? Goof off with social media? Blog? Part of me always feels like I should soak in the ride.
We just crossed the train tracks, and that area is quite green now.
We are passing the first doc that I went to in Japan. Boy, that was a surprise. I couldn't believe the lack of privacy at the time.
There's the coin laundry. It's a pain to get there, but handy when you have a laundry emergency.
I can see a little peek of sea to the right.
And the hospital. Ugh! Well, it's not that bad. After hours care is great! So cheap, too. But who wants to go to a hospital?
There's the city hall and my favorite udon shop. Mmm. For the udon, that is.
Bye, gym! See you later!
That blurry shop over there has great fruit. Expensive, but delicious! Sometimes, they have random Costco items. Like giant muffins.
Well, this is a truck. Bookshop!
We just passed the bowling hall. Hey, if I bowl, does that make me a...oh, never mind.
Off the bus now and walking next to the SDF base. Maybe not the best thing to post a picture of. Hmm.
Well, I'm going to walk and enjoy the evening now! Catch ya later!