A Monday in the life

The weather today started out icky, but it was a little bit warmer than it has been. I cleaned my house for the Skype interview and headed to work. I wasn’t there for long before I came home for the interview.

I won’t say much about the interview, but my family is right. I talk with my hands a LOT. There was some time at the beginning of the interview that was audio only, but I was still waving my hands around (I’m surprised a plane didn’t land in the backyard.

By the time I got off work, the weather had turned beautiful. So, I decided to go out for some exercise.

I made my way down to the bay where the boats park (dock?).


Saw a bird


The water was just so pretty.


Came home, weeded the back yard, and then conked over on the couch. I really wanted a food-that-shall-remain-nameless, so I went to a shop-that-shall-remain-nameless. The shop was populated almost entirely by my high school students (and I was in exercise clothes with a big jacket tossed over). It was fun to greet the students and have a short chat with them.

Then I came home and had Bible study with my friends, and now it’s time for bed!

And that was my Monday!


Sharon said…
My students oohed and ahhed over the top pic of the 2 ginormous boats! I giggled at the "hands waving on the audio only part." Tee hee.