Every year, all the Hokkaido JET ALTs come together for a conference midway through the contract year. It's now called the Skills Development Conference. It used to be called the Mid Year Conference, in case anyone was wondering.
We also eat lots of yummy food. The Northern Four of us went out for Indian food. We went to a new spot. Everything was really tasty. Look at this naan!
It was super huge.
Although I'll be staying in a hotel during to conference, tonight I am staying in my favorite hostel, the Time Peace Apartment. Yay.
So, this weekend has already been a time of reliving old memories and making new memories. I shall try to control the rampant nostalgia as the conference goes on.
Only 4 1/2 years ago you were posting about adjustments to a new culture. Now you are posting the opposite--what it feels to leave a land you have come to know and love. Such a challenge, Elizabeth. But by leaning on your Father, you will be able to do this.