Help! What is this weird blog?

If you've stopped by the blog at all this morning, you've probably seen a few changes. At one point, the blog was a ton of tiny pictures that spun when you hovered over them.

I'll settle on something soon! But it's kind of fun to have a big computer where I can actually make changes easily. Unfortunately, someone keeps moving my @ key and my '. OK, those keys are just different on my Japanese keyboard.

Not too much to report on today, other than the crazy changes going on. I bought a new dress yesterday. But I don't have a picture of it (yet...). So I will leave you with this random ANA breakfast photo from my Tokyo-Chicago flight. The breakfast was surprisingly tasty. Maybe that's just a sign that I should be cooking more.

Hope your resolutions are going strong!


Sharon said…
This really is a lovely airplane meal--once you know what the oval yellow shape is!