Caramel Apples

Two of my schools want to try making caramel apples this fall. Well, if we must, we must…I suppose.


Now, my dad makes absolutely wonderful and amazing caramel corn. Amazing. I’m gaining weight just thinking about it. So, I think my secret hope was that the apples would have a bit of a similar taste.

I found a simple-sounding recipe on an interesting blog. Only 3 ingredients are required, and all of them are easily found here in the tundra. Shock! Awe! Anyway, here is the original recipe:

101 Cookbooks - Caramel Apples

Looks pretty drool-worthy, huh?

So, I set out to do a trial run.

Here are my apples, speared with chopsticks instead of lollipop sticks.


Creeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaam! Hello, darling. And hello, invisible sea salt.


Cooking the caramel takes forever. And ever. Amen.


Finally! Time to roll!


And, I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. But it was pretty tasty, especially once the caramel got good and cool. Definitely not as good as Dad’s, though!


Sharon said…
I can't figure out what makes it taste like caramel??? But it looks so yummy! Is it low carb?