Yeah, I know that Valentine’s Day was a week ago. But any day can be Valentine’s when there is love.
Let me start from the beginning.
For a long time now, I’ve been searching for The One. Though I’ve come across many candidates, I never seemed to find one that just clicked for me. Most were just not a good fit, and some left me feeling unsettled and I knew they weren’t right for me.
I had basically resigned myself to the fact that I just wasn’t going to find the right one. I made other plans for my home life, and just generally got on with things. It just didn’t seem wise to make the investment with one I wasn’t certain of. And after all, one can have a perfectly fulfilled life anyway!
Well, tonight I decided that I needed to stop by Homeac for some organizational things. I walked into the store, grabbed a basket, and meandered off through the store. As I passed the fish area, I considered getting some, but I’m gone so often, I figured the fish would get too lonely. Also, fish kind of stress me out when they fling their small bodies against the sides of aquariums in what looks like a desperate attempt to escape. Ergh.
Anyway, I had just passed the fish when I turned back and looked down the aisle. Part of a display in the middle of the store caught my eye, so I backed up one aisle to see the rest of it. Well, what to my wondering eyes should appear but The One in glorious perfection!
I quickly walked down the aisle and stopped to stare in wonderment. The beauty! The charm! The size!
When no one was looking, I settled into The One’s blue clad arms. I knew it was meant to be. And The One was verrrry affordable!
Well, I brought my darling home (sorry about the wrinkles in this pic) and installed it in the living room.
And, happy feature, The One’s arms go up and down, enabling one to find the best position for maximum reading and napping comfort!
All this just goes to show that the old vomit-worthy cliché is true – when you stop looking for it, love will appear.
I want one of those, but I don't think I have enough room. A couch like that would be much nicer than my huge one :)