Let the sun shine

When I walked out of work today, there was a lovely sunset going on!

110222_1655~01Immediately, I wanted to sing this song:

This video was definitely not filmed with my cell phone. Heeheehee!


Sharon said…
Ha ha...did you watch the one that was up next with the whole song about Aquarius? It brought back memories for me, as I danced to that song in high school for a jazz number.

Thanks for the smiles.
Sharon said…
I shared some of your 2011 blog pics with a few of my students today. We had discussed trains, so I showed them the ones leading up to your trip across Hokkaido. They were fascinated with the snow and that glittery tree.
Elizabeth said…
Yes, I did see that video! I have to say, the woman with the long brown hair always makes me think of you!