One of the many things I love about the homeland is the proliferation of coffee shops. Right now, I am happily typing away at a cheerfully painted table in one of the many Cups scattered around the Jackson Metro area. I have my crazy flavored coffee titled, and I kid you not, Sugar free New Year’s Resolution. I’m kind of wishing that I went for the giant version. Mmmmm.
My Japanese book is open beside me, and I’ve actually used it a little bit. When you are a beginner, it is easy for everything you have slaved over to learn to flit completely out of your mind when you stop studying for a relatively short period of time. This happened to someone we all know and love just one year ago.
OK, so I guess I have no more excuses to not post my resolutions. Heeheehee.
1. Take a photo (almost) every day this year. They don’t have to be particularly fantastic or anything, I just think it will be kind of fun to try. The (almost) is so I don’t give up the first time I miss a day.
2. Blog every day in January and February. I just did January last year, so this year, I’m stepping it up just a bit. At this rate, I will get to posting every day for a year in 2021. Hmmmm.
3. Walk/run/bike from Wakkanai to Sapporo – not really, just get in the mileage. I’ve seen people track their mileage goals this way, and it looks like fun.
4. Finish my novel (at least enough so that it can be read without extreme amounts of pain and confusion)
5. Try something creative every once in a while. I got a beautiful journal for Christmas from my brother that was made by my incredibly creative cousin, and my friend who just got married gave us lovely earrings made by another artistic friend. I can barely do my own hair, people. But I loved my cousin’s creative e-course last year, and so I’d like to try to be just a little more creative this year.
6. Read one non-fiction book or classic each month
So, we’ll see how these go this year! How about you? What are you doing?
BTW, I think today’s date is accurate (should say 1/3)
And yahoo about the novel. I am intrigued to read it.
My resolutions are "bit by bit." Trying in tiny ways to hear the Lord's voice more clearly and do what He asks. Bit by bit to eat more healthfully, enjoy more movement, and let go of a lot of weight.
I want to bring honor to Jesus with all I say, do, think, and feel. The song in church today expresses my desires well...
You are the God of my story-
Write every line for Your glory.