Strange pictures

Have you ever stopped to think about the pictures of you floating around the world? Not just the ones taken by family and friends, but the pictures taken by strangers where you just happened to walk through the background?


I have no idea who these people are, but here they are in a shot from Kyoto.

Well, I went grocery shopping today. When I got to the store, I was surprised to see a crowd of elderly people jammed in one corner near the door. I had that brief moment of hesitation where you wonder if the crowd knows something you don’t know, but then I went along and did my shopping. When I finished shopping, I headed toward the exit with my purchases and noticed that the crowd was now moving. Many tiny elderly people were in a long line, and many more were  all over the entryway…eating rice. Bewildered by these strange happenings, I started to exit the store with my cart. As I returned to put it back, I tried to figure out what was going on with the rice-eating crowd. Just as I was figuring out (possibly) that they were eating some sort of Hokkaido rice, I noticed someone taking a picture of the crowd. I tried to quickly put my face into a pleasant expression, but I have a funny feeling that someone somewhere has a nice picture of their random rice event with a tall, confused-looking foreigner in the middle of it.

Oh, well. Don’t you wonder what pictures you are in the middle of?


Becky said…
Yes, I always wonder whose photos my face might be in around the internet. Like when we met those girls in the lavendar fields and they wanted photos with us. What did they do with them?
Sharon said…
That is something to think about! Both with the posed pics as Becky mentioned, and the random ones when you are walking by as a pic is snapped. I have always wondered if I would be in those faceless pics illustrating our obese state! :)