Yes, it has been hot here lately. Now, before all you Mississippi folks roll around your floors in fits of laughter, please remember one thing: We have no air conditioning. So, in honor of the quickly approaching end of the season, here is my list of things I like about summer.
I like:
- The way my feet securely adhere to the ground when I go walking. I love the feeling of successfully pushing off the ground as I go along. Things are much less secure when the ground is frozen.
- Long days. It's so much easier to do an early morning roll-out when your bedroom is flooded with light before 5am.
- Fantastic sunsets.
- Sunshine (although...after my attractive sunburn Tuesday, I may be re-thinking this one)
- Going outside without a coat and twenty pounds of survival gear.
- Biking around town.
- The way my circle expands to a much larger area.
- Fireworks.
- Meat on a stick.
- People in traditional Japanese dress.
- BBQs.
- Festivals.
- Cool evenings.
- Sitting outside on the ferry.
- Vegetables.
- The occasional ice cream.
- The way that this summer actually makes me look forward to winter (yes, I will probably quickly change my tune).