For some people, it's the newest Apple product. For some, it's the newest smartphone. As for me, I get my electronic kicks from kitchen appliances (mostly because the new Apple products and smartphones are too expensive).
I've wanted a juicer for some time now. I really don't know why. Sometimes you hear cool things about them, and I've never had one. They haven't exactly been high on my priority list, and most of them are quite expensive - much more than I would pay for something unnecessary.
Well, yesterday I was at the home store shopping for a blender, and there it was. A cool looking juicer. I thought about how much fun it would be to try one, but it was really too bad that they were so expensive. Then I actually looked at the price, and noticed that it was quite cheap!
Hey!! The moment I've been waiting for!
So, I bought it and a cheap blender. Never having tried a juicer, I couldn't help but wonder if they actually did the same thing. I bought it anyway.
As soon as I got home, it was time to see what it could do! I quickly cleaned the pieces and assembled the machine (thankfully, it was pretty straightforward). Then, I was ready to commence juicing stuff!
First, I buzzed up an apple. I was surprised at how loud and violent the juicer was! It reminded me on a Cosby episode where the kids use Dad's juicer and get juice all over the kitchen. My juice stayed contained, but I could see how it could easily escape were the lid not secured first!
I pulled out the juice container to take a sip. MAN! That stuff was good!! It was better than good! I wondered what else I could buzz - hey, how about a banana?
The banana was not a success. But by that point I was hooked on juicing things! Over the course of the afternoon, I sent through an orange, more apples, a carrot, and a sweet potato. The sweet potato was kind of weird. It tasted better with some apple juice added. Then, I pretty much ran out of edible produce. So, I went to the store and stocked up.
That evening, I peeled some pineapple that had been on sale and ran it through (I had heard good things about pineapple juice). It was also AMAZING! It was pure creamy deliciousness! Plus, I got to make a fun pineapple face mask out of the leftovers.
This morning, I was eager to make some juice for breakfast. I decided to go for more of a veggie theme, and ran a cucumber, a stalk of celery, a carrot, and two small tomatoes through. It did not come out looking like V8 or any veggie juice I've ever seen. It was a weird brown color. It didn't taste too bad, though!
I was going to exercise after work this evening, but I wound up going to a welcome party instead. I got to eat healthy staples such as fried potato wedges with hunks of butter on top. Why haven't we thought of this in America yet? We eat everything else, and these things were gooooooood!
After that dinner, I thought I'd have a little veggie boost before bed. So, I ran a cucumber and a hunk of ginger through. I thought I'd probably add a carrot, but I wanted to taste that mix first (I like tasting along the way). Well, I took a swig and found that juiced ginger is EXTREMELY potent!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Sadly, it was still too strong even with the carrot addition, so I threw it down the drain (probably cleaned the kitchen pipes out). Then, I put a whole pack of strawberries through. Boy, did that smell good! Then, I added some vanilla syrup.
OK, so maybe I fail at being the healthy hippie, but boy was that good!
Stay tuned for further juicer adventures! I know, I know, but try to contain yourselves!
I love you, LIz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you juice, do you put the peels, seeds, and all? I don't even care for gingerbread, so I know I would not like ginger juice! I never even thought of juicing a cucumber.
You truly are brave, courageous, and adventurous! I love you!