Recently, I've been focusing my Japanese studies on kanji. I've been using the book Remembering the Kanji, where first you learn to write the kanji and later you learn all the meanings and sounds represented by said kanji. I've pretty much been plowing through the writing/keyword part of the kanji - there are 2042 to learn in Part 1, and I'm currently on 674. I think I started almost 3 weeks ago now.

There is an awesome website that is a great accompaniment to the book, and there are some interesting forums on the website. One of my favorite topics recently was titled "500 frames and counting! ROOOOARRRR!!!" The people posting in that thread were celebrating passing the 500 kanji mark and rrrroooaaarrrring with the surge of power that came with that accomplishment. I was totally identifying with the sentiment, and ever since reading that thread, I've felt the RRRROOOOOAAAARRRRR power surge when I've passed a milestone.

Well, last night as I was traveling across town on the bus, I suddenly realized that there were things I could read! And they actually made SENSE!


Then, I got home, and realized that I could read something on the nutrition label of my soymilk.


Then, I read something in the bathroom at work.

RRRRRR....wait, that didn't make sense (pour cause?!?)...never mind that one

The incredible power surge that comes when your environment around you slowly begins to come into focus is utterly AMAZING!! It's rather intoxicating, actually. Existing in an environment where I am illiterate is slightly alienating. Imagine losing all the print references in the world around you. It's a very strange feeling. I hadn't really realized how much I'd missed interacting with ordinary things around me until I read "fresh" on a restaurant sign! There is random English here and there, but it's still not the same as being able to instinctively understand your complete environment.

Now, my brain is just spinning with so many thoughts about literacy. If I really think about it, much of my political/spiritual/economic/moral philosophy has been affected by reading in some shape or sort. What about all the people and huge swaths of society who haven't had the same opportunities? It has to be a lot easier to keep a population (or individual) under control when that population (or individual) is effectively shut out from the world of print. In many places, it's especially women who are affected. Even here, I think about how reliant I am on others for important information and how easily someone like me could be taken advantage of. Luckily, I am well-sheltered from stuff like that, but what about everyone else?

Even now, having thunk the thoughts I just thunk, there is a part of me that can't believe that there are really people out there who can't read....and I'm living it!!! It's one of those concepts like infinity or eternity (or why people on the other side of the world don't fall off...cough, cough...I wonder who I know who has a hard time with that...).

Having thunk all this (my brain hurts and I want a cookie), here is the puzzle. What are we supposed to do? How can the RRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR be shared? Anyone? Do I see a hand in the back?

Honestly, I have no idea.


aquamaureen said…
Sweetheart--I LOVE that you are thinking these thoughts . . when I went through your reminiscing (sp???) photos and saw the downtown ones, with all the signs with black squiggles on them, I felt a fraction of what you must feel. Plus, all last summer, an Oriental family behind my house would walk through my yard (they asked, of course) to cut through to a friends, and I'd often overhear their conversation. NONE of it sounded like "words"--more like instruments making musical sounds. My times in Europe, I could always pick out SOME words I knew, or could intuit. But Oriental languages (is that the right adjective?) are so very different, in appearance and in sound.
So the fact that you are now picking up some words is a huge accomplishment. I RRRROOOOAARRR with you!

Now, onto your other thoughts . . God may well be birthing a whole new "mission" field for you!!! I think helping someone learn how to read/become literate is almost akin to teaching them how to fly, without an airplane!!! So many doors, previously closed and cemented shut, would fly open . .

You asked where to start. For me, I'm learning to lay ALL my desires, my sweet and deep hopes, right in God's lap. He is the Doer anyway, and the Master Teacher. I'd ask Him for guidance for the next step. What pops into mind after that is just googling literacy and seeing what pops up . .

Who knows . . your aunt Maureen just might wanna be your assistant!!!!!!

I love you Liz . . .
Sharon said…
This is such an incredible post, Liz, that I need time to adequately respond. You are willingly sharing some of the brand new growth in your heart and mind--such tender shoots. It sounds as if you are experiencing yet another reason why God has allowed this Japan experience to be in your life.

It reminds me of documentaries in which someone has worn a "fat suit" to try to feel what a fat person feels. But a fat suit is not true fat. You are truly illiterate. There is no pretending or inwardly knowing that it is for only a brief time. You are illiterate until you or someone teaches you and unlocks the mysteries of the Japanese language for you. It is not just something that will happen just by residing there.

Wow! Now my thinker is tired, too, and it's time to get ready for church. Loving you is such a privilege!

Becky said…
I'm so with you! It's an absolutely incredible feeling to all of a sudden understand so much more of the world. I'm so thankful that I grew up in a place where I could learn to read and where I was given an education. God has blessed us so much with this. I wonder how we can pass this blessing on to others.