
Last night, I was reminiscing about the last year and a half or so. I was reading through my journal, and I read something that still makes me giggle, even though it happened in September 2008. I thought I would share it with you all, even though it's probably only funny to know how those things go! ;-) Let's take a trip down memory lane!

So, I was at choir practice this evening, and our director wanted us to work on our vowel sounds. We were singing "ee's" and "oo's," and then we get to the schwa (the sound that looks like an upside down rotated e and kinda sounds like "uh"). She (our director) tells us to sing schwa and whatever the following sound was. So, half of the choir confidently belts out, "SCHWA!"

I am still giggling.

Excuse me while I go continue to giggle at the mental image.



aquamaureen said…
yes, that WAS funny to someone who was not there . . .but that only means that I'm as "funnyhaahaadifferent" as you are !!!!

Sharon said…
Yes...I giggled, too, as I am the literal one who would bellow,"Schwa-a-a-a-a" just like I sang out in the Hallelujah chorus a year and a half ago!
Sharon said…
Are those Japanese spring flowers? If so...not fair as ours here have only barely begun! But they sure are lovely!
Elizabeth said…
I'm so glad it was funny to you guys, too! Yes, I do believe you both are different like me...wonder how that happened.

Oh, I love the Hallelujah Chorus story!!

Sadly, that top photo was a part of the reminiscing. It's from last March. Even our bushes are still buried in snow...although I have seen a few random branches sticking out of the snow. It's like they are saying, "Hey! We are still under here somewhere!" No new growth though...yet. If I didn't have the pictures from when I first came, I would seriously think that maybe there was only winter forever.