Dear Heat,

It has recently come to my attention that you are hanging around the ceiling. This is causing a bit of a problem. Due to the forces of gravity (and a lack of furniture), I am spending most of my time at home on the floor or close to it.

If you don't mind, would you consider dropping down for a visit? I have some dried fruit I would be happy to share. I'm sure I could even find a cookie or two, if you are into that sort of thing.

Anyway, I hope to see you very soon, as things are rather chilly without you.



aquamaureen said…
You are soooooooooooooooooooo funny. Let me know if Mr. Heat is tempted by your food offerings.

BTW, I left a long response to your Blown Away post, but i don't know if it made it through. I never saw a "this has been accepted" message.
Sharon said…
Dear Heat,

Please listen to the earnest pleadings of my chilled daughter. She needs your comforting warmth.

Now...that's enough with being nice...Heat---if you don't work well and get down to the business of keeping my baby warm, I will stomp over to Liz's house and...and...and...
Becky said…
I love it. I'm not sure why Japan hasn't found central heating including fans yet. Having all the heat at the ceiling isn't very helpful. Though thanks to my downstairs neighbor it's probably why my floor is never too cold.