100! Woohoo!

Here we are! Post 100! For your viewing pleasure, here is a giant hunk of pictures attempting to represent the span of time encompassed by these 100 posts! Feel free to hum your favorite song, as I have no idea how to add music to these posts. :-)


Sharon said…
Thank you, sweet Liz, for giving us this photo journey of your odyssey. It is hard to believe you have been in Japan for 7 months now! These pics are evidence of how very much you crammed into less than a year--unbelievable! You are so courageous and God-honoring. I admire you greatly.
Sharon said…
BTW...I think you have great talent as a photographer.
aquamaureen said…
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW I LOVE this photo journey. What an amazing mix of adventures you have had . . . and think, these photos didn't have any work stuff in them (except maybe one conference????)-- imagine how many, and how varied, the photo journey would be if it also included all your schools and transportation adventures . .

You are a treasure, Lizzie . .