A year

So, the USA JET Interview list was published today, which made me reminisce about last year at this time. I never would have guessed that one year later, I would be an ALT in Japan's northernmost city, let alone planning to go on a snowshoeing expedition!

It's amazing what can happen in a year!


alyacroft said…
It is interesting to look back, isn't it? I remember being so very nervous and the anticipation being almost painful. Now I am so blessed to be here in cold and snowy Muroran!
Sharon said…
I find it hard to believe that it has only been 1 year---so much has happened! The interview, the waiting to hear, your resignation, packing, your car's demise, packing, your move here, packing, initial trip to Japan, orientation, visiting all your schools for the 1st time, sight-seeing, a visit home for Christmas---all in less than a year. Wow! You are a courageous young woman.