OK, maybe my resolution to blog every day in January wasn't the best idea. Here it is - just January 2 - and I'm pretty much stuck. Ummm...I'm still having a wonderful time with my family and I got to see two very good friends today! I love my family and friends! Today was just a lovely day - I only needed my coat when I took the dog for a walk this morning and when I went out this evening to pick up a friend at the airport. The sunshine was plentiful and did not completely disappear until after 5...sigh. It was lovely. I also visited my mom's scrabble club this morning - I mostly went to say hi. I ended up playing one game - naturally, I lost by a huge margin! :-) It was fun, though!
Well, I'm done for now! Maybe I will come up with something wonderfully insightful for tomorrow! :-)
I sure have enjoyed playing games with you these past 2 weeks!
Wish it would have been warm enough to sit out back or on the porch swing, but...guess we can't have everything! If I have to choose between having warm weather visit me or you...you KNOW my choice!!!
Your games sound like a lot of fun.