Today I was bemoaning my utter lack of eloquence. When I am asked about things I believe, I am never able to say the things I want to say. I was wishing that I had the ability to make those beautifully elegant statements that wow the crowd and immediately convince them that you, of all people, know exactly what you are talking about and should immediately be heeded.
Anyway, I was feeling a bit inadequate when I was reminded that God does not require us to have amazing skills on our own. Look at the people He used throughout the Bible! The first two who came to mind were Moses and Peter. God told Moses to go to Pharaoh, and Moses basically said that he couldn't because he wasn't good at speaking. And Peter! Poor Peter always seemed to be saying or doing the wrong thing, even though he meant well. I often identify with him!
If you continue to look through the Bible, it is amazing how many of the great people of the Bible were not all that great on their own. But God was able to use them for His own purposes.
So, I felt a lot better about my own lack of eloquence!
When we DON"T have the skills, then we pray more. and we give the glory all to God. I think that's how He plans it :)
Love you