Big news!

OK...hold on to your hats, minna-san. Some exciting news is headed your way! I am now the proud owner of... itty-bitty convection oven


...a plastic tote

WAIT, it continues

...a pack of hangers

Oh, yes, there's MORE

...a humidifier


...a green plastic sled!

Oh, yes, I'm living high on the hog, y'all! Seriously, though, I am superbly excited about my wee oven! The sticker on the oven says I can make a sponge cake in there! I don't know how to make a sponge cake, but I am just going to have to try it at some point! And the sled was purchased for the practical purpose of dragging goods home from the store, but I just may have to test out it's original purpose at some point...hmm


Sharon said…
You made me laugh! I can picture you sledding around Wakkanai--maybe with your students! Yea for the humidifier--that should help you. I can just picture all your gorgeous MS sweaters nestled in the tote!
Sarah said…
You got your sled! Yay!
aquamaureen said…
Wait, a sled????? Hey, does that mean you are not gonna use your BIKE for your shopping trips????? why NOT?????
Jim said…
I love sledding. I will be there right away. We have to hit all the big hills as long as we have hot chocolate afterwards.