Beautiful day

Well, I almost missed blogging today...I am getting up early in the morning, so I went to bed early. I happened to wake up a few minutes ago and randomly remembered that I had not blogged today. So, since I really need to go back to bed, today's post will be fairly short.

Today was a wonderful day full of family and friends (and some delicious food). Weirdly enough, it snowed for most of the morning and afternoon. It didn't stick much, but there was definitely some precipitation going on. I sorely missed the sunshine I've been happily soaking in, but everyone was excited to see the snow, so that was kind of fun!

Sometimes I wish I could spend all my time with family and friends (and maybe some delicious food). I know this is not at all realistic! Oh, well. I will savor every minute with everyone now, and look forward to what the future holds for all of us.

Have a happy, happy day! I hope your New Year's Resolutions are still going well!

And just for a little is a video of one of my favorite artists! My brother gave me her new CD for Christmas (thank you!!). She is performing one of her first songs that really made her famous. Well, it is a bit modified, as she is on Sesame Street! Enjoy!


aquamaureen said…
I love Norah JOnes--Matt told me about her several years ago--I have two of her CDs. Just love them .. neat to know you and I like the same singer ..
Elizabeth said…
Aaaahhh!!! That is so much fun!! Her voice is just amazing, isn't it?