
This morning has been a morning of picking my chin up off the floor and putting it back where it belongs! I am in complete and total amazement at the amount of snow that has fallen this week, and especially last night!

The piles and drifts look like they are approaching the second floor of this building!

....maybe I'm glad I don't have a car!

...but, it is just amazing (and a bit bewildering)! I am enjoying looking at it and listening to this song:


aquamaureen said…
whoa, girl!!! you've sure got me beat for snowfall!!! I'm assuming you don't work on Saturday, so you don't have to go out and snowshoe????? Do they have good snow removal there????

wow. that is a LOT of snow.
Elizabeth said…
I think they are pretty good at snow removal (from my limited snow removal experience :). There is shoveling happening basically around the clock, and they do plow quite a bit and drive off with truckloads of snow. What I want to know is where they are taking the snow?!?!?!?!?!

I have spent quite a nice chunk of time wandering around in the snow...a girl's gotta shop! ;-)
Sharon said… beautiful as it is, you can keep it all right truck loads to Brandon! Good song to go with the snowfall, although i thought you would have put "Let it Snow..." on! Can't wait to see you!
Futons said…
It really is a winter wonderland!!! It really is beautiful... from indoors. Don't want to be going outside much in that stuff.