Things that make me giggle, part 1

Yes, I know that I am easily amused. However, the following things added a little sparkle to my life, and I hope you like them, too!

Look in the front of the boat...Captain Gull!

Isn't this the cutest packaging ever! I bought it, AND IT WAS FILLED WITH BEANS! I thought that was a nasty trick. So far, it's Beans 15, Me 0

Surely I am not the only one who sees 2 problems with this tag!

Don't you just want to buy this doughnut! I think this was my first encounter with funny packaging in Japan. I didn't buy it.


Sharon said…
Mary beat me!!!!!!!!! I just called her to invite her to ride with me tomorrow night to a performance of The MS Symphonic Community Band. While talking, she mentioned that your post today was a long one with pics of funny stuff. soon as I hung up, I called Jim over and we went straight to Futons! What great posts. The chickpea stuff is a little odd-looking, but I think the soup curry looks a bit strange, too. I could not identify the floating veggies except for the carrot. Is the chickpea stuff a sandwich filling or a dip or a main course? I am not familiar with it. Is that rice around the chickpeas?

I am proud of you for experimenting with strange foods, Liz. You are braver than I. I do not even like to try different foods here much less shop for ingredients and create them.

What an odd donut--looks like an eel. What did you think was going to be in that first food?

OK...I am deficient. I can only see one thing wrong on the sign--the fact that it says warning in English and then explains the danger in Japanese. What is the 2nd thing?

Have a great Monday. Which is your one school visit day? Can you ask them to let you have extra visits?

Love and hugs
Elizabeth said…
Well, I wasn't sure what would be in the first food, but those devious beans sure came up with a cute package..."It's new and yet a bit dear to my heart" - how adorable is that?!?!

I ate the chickpea stuff over rice. One could also stick it in a pita pocket if one had pita access. The soup curry has eggplant, squash (or pumpkin), peppers, bacon, chicken, and a big carrot. It's really delicious.

My school visit is Tuesday. I hope the concert is wonderful! Love you!
aquamaureen said…
I had the same question as your maw . . .which you didn't address!!! what is the second thing wrong with the warning label?

and I second all your mom's comments. your writing is clear and interesting and hilarious. your pictures are stellar. your bravery unsurpassed.

now help me understand . .. what is the meaning behind the bean packaging. . why would beans be new and dear to someone's heart???????? 'cause they make you (rhymes with heart????)
Elizabeth said…
The way I see it is if you speak Japanese, the big WARNING sign is not likely to catch your attention, and if you speak English, the big WARNING sign is all that will catch your attention. I didn't want to spoil anyone's chance of figuring out both problems...but maybe I'm the only one who thinks both are problems! ;-)

Thank you both for your kind comments. The checks are on the way. Well, we don't actually use checks here, so never mind.

I have no idea what the meaning behind the packaging is - I just thought it was cute! I had not thought of that particular interpretation...