Moving Day!

I started this post to tell you all about moving day in Japan - a day of adventures! But Blogger isn't picking up today's phone pictures yet. So, here's a group of pictures from last night's farewell party.

Here we are arriving at the banquet room. My chair is at the table closest to you. It's the one in the middle facing you, which meant that I had to do that fun twist we all know to be able to listen to the speeches. 

The first course was smoked salmon with some decorative vegetables. I've eaten the funny twisty one in the middle before, but I couldn't remember what it was called. Neither could the Japanese teachers. Haha! I just looked it up and it's called Kogomi (Ostrich Fern is the English translation).

Next, we got some delightful mushroom soup! And bread and olive oil! Also, that is not saliva on top! Whatever it was, it was nice.

Due to the many speeches, I forgot to take a picture of the fish course. But it was goooooooooooood.

Then came heavenly meat. Beef cooked to perfection! Pink and tender, but not bloody. It was so good that I wasn't even sad it was so small. 

Finally came dessert and coffee. A slice of cheesecake and a small scoop of orange sherbet really completed the meal. And of course, coffee!

It was a delicious dinner, but I'm a little sad to say goodbye to so many people this year. 

But I'm not sad to say goodbye to my old apartment! On with the new!


Anonymous said…
That meal looks scrumptious...except for the raw salmon! I could tear into that steak. Yum!