Update from Japan

It's a rainy Saturday here in Nagoya, and I'm curled up on top my bed drinking some coffee while my laundry dries around me. It smells pretty good!

So, my life since returning hasn't been very photogenic. That should be changing soon as the weather starts to get nice enough for outdoor activities. I've also been doing a lot of archery. There are only so many pictures one can take on the range! Haha!

But it's been fun to go shooting anytime I want with my equipment. Am I any good? Not really! Turns out that I'm gonna need a LOT of practice before I'm good at shooting without a sight.

What else is happening in the good old Nagoya? Well, school's back in session, so we are back to school lunches (yay! no cooking! no dishes!). We had a special lunch on Friday for the harvest moon. The dessert was jello that looked like an egg.

Oh, I also made it out to the beach one weekend!

 I was really glad that I went! It turns out that I need nature and beach in my life!
Besides this, my life is pretty much teaching, going to the gym, and going to Japanese lessons! Haha! It's hard to make a pretty blog without ferries!


Anonymous said…
Oh, Liz, I love this blog posting--it's just your normal everyday life--but it's in JAPAN!! The beach photos are terrific! Also, it looks as though a few of the arrows are CLOSE to the bulls eye. :)