Tokugawa Garden

 Autumn is sloooooooowly coming to Nagoya. I was hoping for rain yesterday because I desperately needed to clean. Desperately. I don't know why, but things seem to rot in record time in this fridge. I think it has something to do with the kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage from Korea) I had in there. My milk smelled like kimchi. My yogurt tasted like kimchi. Opening the door sent out a shockwave of pungency.

Now the kimchi is gone and order has been restored.

But I was also behind on laundry. And putting away laundry. And everything.

Of course, I woke up to the most glorious day I've experienced in MONTHS! I DO NOT EXAGGERATE!!!! The sun shone brightly and the air was brisk and life-giving.

Yes, I know air gives life everyday, but you know what I mean.

I rode my bike to the store and got a little frustrated with all the impediments. The main rule of biking in Nagoya is to not run down the elderly (people over 100). But the elderly don't make this easy. They like to weave at the last minute. I've had to jump off my bike several times to avoid collisions. I'm starting to think this may be a game for them.
"Hey, Mildred! How many bikers did you unseat today?"
"Twelve! A new personal record!"

I swished past several of them standing around on a narrow bridge and I must confess that I had a few uncharitable thoughts. On the way back, there were even more. So, I got off my bike to push it across the bridge.

Turns out everyone was looking at a lovely autumn scene and some tiny white birds.
Sorry about the uncharitable thoughts, folks!

It was a pretty ride home from the store. I saw a heavily laden persimmon tree (yuuuuuum).

 And I also passed a very confusing sight!

After I got home and got through some of the cleaning, I couldn't take it anymore. I messaged my coworker Gabby to see if she wanted to go to Tokugawa Garden, and set off across the city. 

The garden was glorious!
 There were a lot of people there, but it wasn't overly crowded. Lots of people were taking pictures or having their picture taken.

Well, when in Rome!

Hello fish and baby fish!

So picturesque. 

There was even a wedding! Or at least wedding pictures.

And a side of ham

The leaves are just barely starting to turn.

The view from the apartments in the distance must be lovely.

Hello, gorgeous tree!

Hello, strangers!

Hello, green trees!

I don't always pose well.

I love the way the sun shines through Japanese maples. It is a great frustration of my life that I can't capture it just right!

Look! I found a waterfall and lost my marbles!

 I love waterfalls - even ones made by people.

There's Gabby taking a waterfall pic!

One more time!
Strangers and sunlight on a mossy rock.

This isn't even all the pictures I took.

This picture is here because I loved the leaf shadows on the tree trunk.

Hi Nagoya!

Hello feet and water! Also, some insider information for you...I used another skirt and a pair of shorts to try to give my dress a little poof.

Even the long walk back to Kurumamich station was lovely. I really like places that look like old Japan.

All in all, I'm really excited that the long summer seems to be over and we seem to be heading into autumn! I'm ready for a break from the heat and humidity!


Anonymous said…
I loved this part the best! You have such a dry sense of humor. (I think--I don't really know the difference between dry humor and wet...)

The main rule of biking in Nagoya is to not run down the elderly (people over 100). But the elderly don't make this easy. They like to weave at the last minute. I've had to jump off my bike several times to avoid collisions. I'm starting to think this may be a game for them.
"Hey, Mildred! How many bikers did you unseat today?"
"Twelve! A new personal record!"

The fish picture is tremendous, as are all the others. You look cute hiding behind the rock. Is that beautiful dress the one you are going to wear to the big banquet?