July 16th

I opened my Facebook memories today, and it was quite a blast. Apparently, July 16th has been a big day for me.

It was my last day of my American job pre-Japan.

I made a loaf of bread in my bread machine (I miss that thing).

It was one of my school festivals - but I don't know which one!

It was umi-no-hi (Day of the sea)

I posted this picture of archery with fun friends

It was my last overnight visit to Rebun Island. This was the glow-in-the-dark dolphin wall at Pension Uni

I do miss commuting to work by ferry!

And last year, I was just kicking off my Hokkaido tour by spending the day in cool Odori Park. I read, relaxed, and ate corn on the cob. It was so good to escape the heat of Nagoya!

This July 16th was also a great day! Harry, Mae, and I went to Yokohama's Sparkling Twilight fireworks festival. It was Harry's first Japanese fireworks festival, which was pretty exciting!

Yamashita Park was beautiful in the evening light.
 The boats in the harbor were lit up with lovely lights.
 Cosmo Clock 21 (the ferris wheel) was gorgeous as always.

Long time readers of this blog may remember that I am - ahem - not skilled at photographing fireworks. This time, I was armed with my new camera and ready to practice!



What is this?? Nope.

Err...maybe? I like the big splat! Not very fireworksy, though.

 Yahooooo! I finally got one!!!!!

 After the show, the boats sailed around and showed off their lights.

I love the night view of Yokohama!

 Oh, look! Friends make the night view even better!

Afterwards, we had a wander around Chinatown. I bought a tote bag with a map of Yokohama. Maps come in handy, you know.

 I think I like July 16th!


Anonymous said…
LOVED your July 16 pictures--both old and new! The fireworks--even the weird ones were great.