Hello from November

It was a lovely November 1st today. No snow, but there's a very light chill in the air. Very light, but nice. 

I went for a run this evening and got a bit lost. 

I found a farm. 
And a river
And I finally found my way home.

Run #1!
I also worked on my new MaNoWriMo project, but it was not smooth. I hit my goal, but not until 8:00 pm. 

Well, it's back to work tomorrow. Two more days of tests! My classes tomorrow take this test on my brother's birthday and their next test on my mom's birthday! Weird, right?

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed your extra hour of sleep last night. I'm assuming all 3 of you are Americans - lol! Apologies to any random visitors!

Good night from Japan!


Anonymous said…
So proud of you for running...and really glad it is not causing you pain. That purple is one of your best colors--IMO.