Hakone, my love

This is part 2 of my weekend adventures.

When we last saw each other, I had just imbibed a frightfully disgusting sweet potato coffee. Yeah, the chunky one. Bleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Why did I leave you on that note?

Anyway, we boarded the pirate ship after the coffee and a few more pictures with Fuji-san. The sky was amazing.IMG_5551

So textured and lovely.


Here we are all photographing Fuji again. Can’t stop, won’t stop.


Perhaps I should rename this blog Photographing Mountains From Boats.

Remember me?



Hi, pirate guy!


Can’t get enough of that sky.


After the ship, we walked around some forest paths and enjoyed the gorgeous afternoon. Buuuuuuuuut, we stayed too long!


Well, wouldn’t you stay?

Because we overstayed, we missed the last gondola back. So, we had to take a bus. And SOMEONE (again, she knows who she is) decided to get off the bus at the wrong stop. It took three buses instead of two to get back to the mountain train. Oops.

Before boarding the third bus, we met some lovely Japanese folks who were taking the same bus. They helped us sort out the confusing buses. When we got on the third bus, I was surprised to see windows in the roof. I had never seen that before!


The mountain train going down was less exciting, but at least we got a seat. Yay! I was kind of tired after standing on the bus.

All in all, I would highly recommend Hakone to anyone in this area who likes novelty public transportation and nature. It was a really delightful day, and I wish I could go every weekend!


Anonymous said…
Whoa...the bus is so packed! Is that how packed your train to work is? Or worse? What is that snow-covered mountain right in the middle of your pictures??? Your fall colors are stunning. I am so thankful that you are able to fit in sight seeing and other activities with friends during your hectic work schedule. And thanks so much for sharing your adventures with Mom Q. Public.