Catch-up time!

Hello, darlings! As usual, it’s been too long! Maybe I’ll give myself a daily blogging challenge for November. Maybe. Maybe…

So, loads of stuff has been happening lately! Much more than I’m used to. A few blogs ago, I said that Team Tokyo hadn’t really reeled me in yet. But it finally got me. Here’s why:


Beaches! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.

But I shouldn’t get too far ahead of myself. Let’s travel backwards through time instead.

Yesterday: Yesterday was one of those days where you just need to do the things you like. What do I like? Trains, reading, playing my uke, beaches, and snacks. Not necessarily in that order, but whatever. So, I packed my backpack and bought a train day pass.

Here’s the area that the pass covers. And yes, the green train line ran by the coast. Smile Smile Smile2015_10_31_09_34_14_Greenshot

Yay for train passes!


In Fujisawa, I transferred from a normal train to this beauty! The Enoden line is the green line on the map above, and Enoden trains are delightful rickety things. At some points, they run down streets. So fun!


I rode the Enoden aimlessly for a while, and then decided to get off at a random beach. It was pretty empty when I arrived, which is perfect for ukulele practice time.


Also, waves are good for disguising errant notes.

Sadly, a romantic couple wound up sitting sort of nearby. Now that I think about it, I should have opened my uke case for donations. LOL! Considering that I unintentionally played a song upside down, I think they would have paid me to stop playing. Smile

Well, it’s confusing that the bottom string is listed first!


It was warm enough to go swimming, but I did think that swimming in the ocean by myself was probably not a good idea. The ocean did come to me, though. Silly high tide. Strum, strum, strum, YIPES!


Are there any jobs where I never have to leave the beach? Also, I think I need to learn how to surf.

Just one more pic…….


OK, two. But Enoshima Island shows in this one!


Got back on the Enoden heading for Kamakura and landed an EXCELLENT seat!


I decided to finish my journey with a visit to a Starbucks I read about online. Here is the link! It’s the second one.

It was definitely cool, but the pool was empty. Empty pools are less exciting. But it was still fun to visit a unique Starbucks.


Then, it was time to take the Enoden back to Fujisawa and head home(ish).

After a long day by myself, I needed some time with other humans. So, I met up with some lovely folks and we ate delicious gyoza! And maybe a doughnut. I can neither confirm nor deny that one.

And that was my day! Soooooooo gooooooood. Ahh.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Wow! Wow! What a fabulous day...and the photos are superb! I wouldn't want to get off that cute train. I'd just ride it everywhere it goes. And the! So beautiful. I can't believe you have actually body surfed somewhere besides the gulf coast. What an adventure you have had these past 6.5 years.