
I've arrived and am happily tucked into my hotel room by the airport. The flight really wasn't bad - the seat was pretty comfortable and there was an empty seat between me and the guy in the window seat. 

I started feeling a cold coming on a few days ago. That really worried me for the flight. But it wasn't too bad. I think I felt worse when I got off the plane. Better off the plane than on the plane!

As we landed in Tokyo, I was so excited to see sakura from the plane. There's some near my hotel, too!
What a special year to see Bradford pear, dogwood, and sakura all blooming. Sigh. Lovely. 
And, for Mom
When I got back to my room, I had a handful of Skittles for dinner and watched a beautiful sunset. 
It's not even 7, but I think I'll pack up my stuff and get ready for bed. Good night!


Anonymous said…
Wow! What a splendid and colorful welcome to Japan! Is the daffodil from here? Are those lily of the valley next to the daffodil?