September Swimming

One advantage in Mississippi, as opposed to Hokkaido, is swimming on September 20th and 21stIMG_7692. Not all people think it is a great idea, but the people are going for it anyway. Can you see the concern in those eyes?

The water is on the chilly side, and we all know the best way to enter cold water. Just dive right in and get it over with.

The people can’t dive, as the water is too shallow. Also, the people aren’t good at diving! The people can’t cannonball, as the people are still dealing with Achilles tendinitis, and landing would not be fun.

So, the people decide that the best form of entering quickly will be by using the good old Nestea Plunge.

photo (13)

All in all, the people had no regrets about choosing this manner of entry. It really did get the shock of the cold over with much more quickly than a normal slow entry.

Plus, it was pretty fun! This is not really an accepted way of entry at the gym pool. When else do you get to try a Nestea Plunge in September.

Afterwards, I did get pretty cold! Thankfully, I swiped one of Dad’s jackets and I just use that when I get cold.



The father of the people also gets in on the fun!


A good time was had by all!

On September 21st, 3 of us got in. Dad Nestea Plunged first, followed by Bro, followed by me. Mom was able to take some videos of the occasion.

Since I can’t easily add videos to this blog, here’s a picture of the four of us headed out on a bike ride. Riding together in beautiful weather is so delightful!



Anonymous said…
Wow! Celebrating the entrance of autumn with Nestea plunges!! Yup...sounds like our family...or should I say "the people." Believe it or not, Jim got in the pool this past Saturd--upper 80s and muggy so in he went. Brrr...the water was 76 degrees. He stayed about an hour and vacuumed twice. Water is still clear. Maybe I can send the pics to you on Line.