
So, I know I should be sleeping, but I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. These seven weeks at home have been so refreshing. Here’s a little look back at the past seven weeks.



Let’s travel.


And enjoy airplane food.


Family! Can’t stop for a clear shot! Must go! This is one of my favorite views.


Birthday celebrations, locating (but not buying) octopus, and visiting Mom’s classes. Delicious, fun, and salty.


Baseball game! How American! Clouds that look like UFOs!


Southern food at Lake Tiak-O’Khata made me think about the culinary traditions of the South. Also, I ate a ton of macaroni and cheese. I’ve been deprived for 5 years.


Miles of cheese. Bliss.


Peach gave me wings!


Sometimes hamburgers and homemade fries. Sometimes okonomiyaki.


Holmes Country State Park – where my hiking boots disintegrated.


Travels on the Trace.


This post isn’t even exhaustive or detailed! It’s just a sampling of some of the things that have been happening during these seven weeks.


The Well at Pinelake, where we got coffee several times and watched the service before ours out of the corners of our eyes.

I really enjoyed going there. The coffee was great, and it was fun to visit with different family members. But there is something so surreal about seeing the service you are about to attend on a TV before you go in.






Today…one more picnic, one more ride, and one more alligator viewing.


How can I love being here and there? This time with my family has been good for my soul. I’m ready for whatever comes next now, and I’m almost ready for that flight.

But I’m going to miss these folks!



Anonymous said…
Awww...viewing these photos made me teary. I am missing you. We had such a great time. The extended time was a blessing and a gift from God. I can't believe we packed so much into the time. The pics are a terrific mixture! I love the soulless one...and the ice cream and the cabbage pancake and Peach and your unique birthday cake.
Anonymous said…
I really really love your idea of silhouette pictures on our bikes.
Anonymous said…
I loved sharing Peach with you.