Greetings from Dallas

Leaving was a little rough this morning. Not only was it hard to say goodbye, but so many things seemed to go wrong. My backpack got soaked. I couldn't find my boarding passes. My suitcase zipper broke at the airport, and it wasn't even the suitcase with the broken off wheel. 

But, we finally made it. Check out the beautiful Dallas sky. 

Now, I'm eating an incredibly overpriced breakfast of a latte and Greek yogurt parfait. 

And that is what I want to talk to you about. What is the deal with Greek yogurt? It seems to have come to prominence while I was in Japan. I've tried it a few times, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm dipping my spoon into sour cream. 

It wasn't very sweet, which left me feeling  like I was eating sour cream. I choked some down (did I mention that it gets kind of stuck in your mouth like peanut butter?

Quickly, I gave up and decided to sweeten it. 
Adding sugar to a yogurt parfait seems wrong!

Even stirring it is hard work. 

It's taken me some time, but I think I've finally decided that fad or no fad, I'm not really a Greek yogurt fan. 
It's definitely not the worst thing ever (and would taste better if it were cheaper). I just don't understand the fuss. 
How about a side of ham to go with that yogurt?


Anonymous said…
The ham is so cute! Love that wrinkled nose!