Narita Airport

I'm at the Narita Airport in Tokyo, huddled with several other customers around a charging station. 12 hours is a long time to go without charging power, and it is a really long time to go for people attached to their smartphones. 

Not that I would know anyone like that. 

It's a beautiful day in Tokyo, although it is a little hot and humid outside. To be honest, I was kind of expecting the same feeling I get when I walk into a high temperature sauna. 

The weird thing is that it feels exactly the opposite of Wakkanai. Usually, the buildings are hot, but you can go outside and feel refreshed. Here, the buildings are cool, but outside is hot. 

By the way, these shoes were not made for airplane travel! They keep setting off metal detectors. 
Due to yesterday's rain, I accidentally destroyed the shoes I was planning, so I had to wear these. 

Last night's hotel. Majestic, isn't it? Breakfast was a huge buffet. 
My friend and I rode the bus to the airport together, and enjoyed hanging out for several hours. 
It has actually been a really good day. And now I get to relive it all over again!

By the way, I finalized the flight for my new job. It was so weird to arrange a flight to the airport where I was currently located. 

Well, I'm starting to hear the first Atlanta announcements, so I'm going to stretch a little before boarding starts!

Hope you are having a great day!


Anonymous said…
So good to see Tomoko in this picture. Hope you had a great weekend with her.