The end of an era

A thousand farewell cards have been handed out. All my schools have been visited. A new job has been found. Many tears have been shed.

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The beginning and the end.

In some ways, today was not as difficult as I had feared, and in other ways, it was worse. I’ve been crazily busy for days weeks now, and I was running on adrenaline for most of the day. I forgot to eat breakfast, and then I forgot to eat lunch.

But I had a great day of classes and chatting with students afterwards. I almost lost it when I had to give a goodbye speech to all 57 teachers in the morning meeting. But I didn’t really lose it in public until our goodbye party, when the teachers gave me a gift. I opened up the bag and pulled out a large board covered in messages from teachers and students.

Can you get dehydrated from tears? Smile

Well, if there had to be a last day of school, this was a pretty good one.


Anonymous said…
Hope you had some good sleep and are enjoying your last school festival. The pictures show quite a change!!You have so many terrific memories and so many new friends!
Anonymous said…
Being in Japan appears to have lightened your skin and darkened your hair!!