
Those of you who know me well know that I tend to be a bit of a worrier.

OK, that’s an understatement!

Anyway, on Friday, someone dropped a bit of a bomb on me.

That is also an understatement.

Well, my brain bit into that bomb, and we were off to the Gnawing Championship 2014. I got some good advice from different people on the subject, but I was still consumed with worry.

This weekend, a Facebook friend posted a picture with this verse on it:photo (6)















When I read it, it really struck a chord with me. It was one of those times that I could really feel that God was saying something to me.

It stayed with me through the weekend, and I tried to figure out what it meant.

“Lord, what does it mean that You will fight and I just need to be still? Is this idea for action that I just had Your way of fighting for me? What do You want me to do?”

It was a long weekend, and today was my first chance to deal with the situation. I braced up my tablespoon of courage and marched in.

Much to my surprise, everything had been taken care of! My contacts had fought their way up the line for me, and everything had been neatly fixed up.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so that’s what You meant, Lord. Just what You said. Heh.”

I couldn’t believe how clear the message was in hindsight! Hindsight really is 20/20. After all, the message really couldn’t have been clearer.

Thank You, Lord!


Anonymous said…
Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yahoo!!!