Lake Akan

The problem with having a great time is that it's awfully hard to leave afterwards. Sigh. 

Today was yet another delightful day. We drove out to Lake Akan. In the morning, it was cloudy. When we returned, it was cloudy and rainy. But, while we were there, the weather was beautiful. 
We took a cruise around the lake on a boat. Of course. Here's our boat. 
I stood out on the back deck for the whole ride. Made friends with some older ladies who were in a tour group. 
The sky was so beautiful!
The sunshine felt so good. 
At one point, the boat stopped at a tiny tiny island and we all got off and looked at a tiny tiny museum. I think we all made it back on the bus. I mean boat. 
It really was a lovely day at the lake!

Afterwards, we ate cake, shopped, and met one of my former students. She is studying in Kushiro now. 

Finally, we had to say goodbye. That was not so fun. This was one of the last photos with decent-looking eyes!
I couldn't have asked for a better trip!

Now, I'm on the train in the first chunk of the long journey home. I do have something to look forward to - I'll spend the night with a friend who lives kind of along the way. It will be great to see her. 


Anonymous said…
These sky pictures were so stunning I HAD to share this post. The photo of you and your friend is so sweet--fabulous memories. I so enjoyed chatting with her on the phone. It's odd to think of you as a translator!!