OK, y'all! Who is ready for some motivation?? Woohoo! Anyone? Do I see a hand there in the back?
So, as you know, I am trying to learn Japanese. Makes sense, right? Some might say...makes sensei...? Ahahaha...sorry. Bad Japanese joke there. ANYWAY, as with any major project, one runs into roadblocks, setbacks, and general frustration.
And, sometimes, language study notwithstanding, one runs into confusing images like these. Together, they are pretty clear, but separate them a tad, and one desperately hopes not to intrude upon the wrong domain...as in Washington, D.C. That's a whole other story, though!

Or one for linebackers and one for couch potatoes???
No non-kimonoed people allowed?

"Ah," you say. "But I'm not trying to learn that there Japanese. Therefore, I have no need of this post and will go have a nice cup of tea."
No, no, no! If you are trying to attempt any long term project (or not), go read the post! To sum it up...
See, I even gave you a whole 'nuther link. Now, go enjoy!
Pretty please with sugar on top?