I was innocently stretching this morning when I thought, "Hmmm...my hand feels abnormally warm. I ought to move it and see what the trouble is." OK, maybe that is not exactly how it went, but the end result was the same anyway. I mildly barbecued my right hand, which I rely on and am deeply attached to, on my Stovepipe of Doom. This is the same stovepipe that ate a pair of my tights. I was trying to stay warm near the stove and discovered I had somehow burned a hole in my tights.
The Stovepipe of Doom is also a close relation to the Stove of Doom, which some of you will fondly remember as the appliance which caused my jammie leg to start smoking (apparently
everyone and everything smokes here in Japan) and almost burned up some apparel it was supposed to be drying.
Some days, I miss central heat! And electric dryers!

Lizzie Girl, you know I gotta say this..."Be safe!" I don't want any part of you or your apparel smoking. It is NOT healthy. This is my declaration for you...
Liz is smoke-free when?
Right now in 2010!
Kinda catchy, huh? Love you...ALL of you!!