The wedding today was absolutely, utterly, wonderfully fantastic. It was just full of fun and joy. When I arrived at the church, it was so much fun to get ready in the parlor with Amy and the other bridesmaids. That time was just a sweet time as we all slowly began to transform into a wedding party. Pictures started around 11 - the way they worked out is that Amy took pictures with all her people and Kyle took pictures with his people before the ceremony and then they came together for the rest of the pictures after the ceremony. No one (including Kyle) wanted Kyle to see Amy before she came down the aisle. I think the pictures will be very fun. Amy was just beautiful, and the day was a gorgeous backdrop. The photographer took some pictures in a little playhouse on the playground, which I think will be hilarious. I just can't wait to actually see the pictures - I know they will be great because Amy was so beautiful. Hopefully, I won't look too goofy in any I'm in - I have an inherited characteristic of appearing that I've had one too many in photos. I've been working for years to overcome this, but sometimes it just gets the best of me! Anyway, I digress. it seemed like the time flew by, because before we knew it, the pictures were finished and guests began to arrive. After the mothers left the parlor, it was just the five of us waiting to head over to the sanctuary. We almost went too early - Kyle was in charge of seating his mother, which meant that he was in the foyer. Thankfully, someone realized he was there and we were able to stop outside and hide Amy. Once Kyle was safely gone, we went into the foyer and were ready to go. Amy's dad was waiting for her, and I - of course - had to keep fluffing her until I was sure she was just perfect. Diana, MJ, and Joanna had headed down the aisle when I joined the processional - one hard thing about being in a wedding party is knowing where to look when you are walking down the aisle. If you are the bride, this is an easy decision. If you are not the bride, it is much more difficult. It's a little weird to stare at the groom or the preachers. I tried to strike a balance by changing my gaze every few seconds - the danger in this is that you could look a little goofy if not done properly. Uh...is that a bridesmaid or a pigeon? The flower girl - who was a doll - was the last one to come down before Amy. Then, the doors were closed and Trumpet Voluntary began. The doors opened, everyone stood, and there she was! The beautiful bride! Kyle was just beaming - I'm actually pretty sure that he kept right on beaming through the entire ceremony! The ceremony itself was just lovely. Amy was radiant throughout the entire thing. I loved being able to stand so close to the two of them through the ceremony and see the joy on their faces. And...good news...I didn't lose the groom's ring, drop the bride's bouquet, or trap her in her train! Before I knew it, the ceremony was over, and we all recessed! Once the rest of the pictures were complete, everyone headed over to the reception. The reception was wonderful - even the dancing! We danced some Scottish dances that I can't spell. Oh, well! Everything at the reception seemed to go off well - the cake was beautiful and the food was lovely. In what seemed like only a few minutes, but was really a few hours, it was time for Kyle and Amy to leave. On her way out, Amy handed me her bouquet and gave me a hug. Then, they were gone! I won't see Amy again before I leave for Japan. I'm really going to miss her! But, before I get too maudlin, let me end this post! This wedding really felt like a celebration rather than a production and it was so wonderful to be a part of it!
Well, I am worn out and have at least three blisters on my feet, including one shaped like Africa! Time for some much needed rest!
I am also proud of you for having the courage to go through with this gigantic life change in moving to Japan. I am eager to hear about the exciting events God has in store for you. According to His Word, all the works He wants you to do have already been prepared for you.
I love you, BYW.